important informations

  • Text or call for more information.
  • The total price is calculated by the person per person
  • Extra person after 5 people is charged +10 USD
  • Payment is given in two shifts means 1/2 of the amount is paid 3 days before arrival as an advance amount and the balance is paid when you are checking out.
  • Burera Cottage is located on the shores of Lake Burera on the front side and Lake Ruhondo on the back side. To reach there, below is the route that can be followed: 

    A guide is always available to direct visitors from Musanze Town to the cottage.

    Musanze Town – Head towards the Uganda and Rwanda Border – Turn right to the road heading to NTARUKA Hydroelectric Power – Keep moving in the same street and reach the bridge – keep moving straight to the way that heads to byiza lodge – Stop at the next local center – Turn left in a path between the houses in the centre – This route will take you to the gate of the cottage.

    For any assistance, call or text this number: 0781604225.

  • Payments are completed by mobile money transactions and by cash.
  • Booking for any service and any activity is necessary.
  • Contact us for any added activity for the information and organization.
  • The booking price on the website is inclusive of bed, and breakfast.
  • Lunch, dinner, and alcoholic beverages are paid apart.
  • The reservation price is paid according to the number of people.
  • Our rooms are basic and improving.
  • Children from 6 years old pay and under 6, don’t.
  • We have a short hill walkway which is the 10-minute walkway from the main road to the cottage.
  • Car parking is located at a nearby place you may use it also.
  • We recommend 4×4 cars because the road is not concrete.
  • Pets, dogs, and other home animals, If you wish to bring them you can contact us for information
  • Drones are not allowed unless you have the authorization document
  • To ensure full protection and security, parents should keep an eye on their children to avoid unnecessary movements towards the lake or the upper village. The cottage security personnel will also assist in monitoring the children.
  • Guests are kindly requested to utilize our official channels special activities or neighborhood donations o other actions towards the neighborhood in the stay for the cottage to ensure safety and security of guestsduring a stay.
  • On arrival, You will be shown the place and your room.
  • Our dinner is a buffet ( vegetarian and no vegetarian options)  served at any time when needed.
  • Breakfast is served anytime.
  • For more information contact us at : 0781604225

Way to reach the burera cottage

About Us

Burera Cottage is located at Burera Lake in Northern Rwanda

Send an Email
WhatsApp  tel number
+250 781 604 225


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